knew my world was different 2.5 seconds after she left my womb. A little lady
with a big personality had arrived in my orderly, convenient life and suddenly
things didn't seem so orderly, and life wasn't so convenient anymore.
little over a year later and I am still learning the ropes on this ride called
"parenting". My little "angel" is 16 months old and her
older brother is almost three. Our days follow the familiar pendulum swing of
delight and disaster, as they do for so many other families with strong-spirited
the words of Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, in her book Raising Your Spirited Child,
"It's difficult to describe what it is
like to be the parent of a spirited child. The answer keeps changing; depending
on the day, even the moment. How does one describe the experience of sliding
from joy to exasperation in seconds, ten times a day? How does one explain the
"sense" at eight in the morning that this will be a good day or a
dreadful one?"
have tried so many ways to find order and balance and sanity in toddlerhood,
ways to come out at the end of each day unscathed. Some things have worked well
and others have not. The last few weeks have produced a few gems of knowledge
that have been so successful in managing our days, I could not help but record
them here... as a reminder to myself and as a help to the other mommas out
there raising unpredictable children.
they are:
Lingering Longer: Remembering The Power of Touch
know psychologists, teachers, and health care professionals have long
emphasized the importance of physical touch to a developing child. I understood
that. What I didn't realize until recently is that some kids have a very high
threshold for physical contact and that
this need can be met! I bemoaned to friends and family for the first few
months of my daughters life, "she just needs way more physical contact
then I can give her in one day! Her love tank is never full!"
I realized I just wasn't filling her tank in the right way. Yes, she needed alot of physical touch, but it was not
beyond what I could provide for her. This was a thrilling revelation for me
since I had resigned myself to thinking she would be unsatisfied for years to
come. How do I do it differently now?
have begun to build "snuggle time" into our days and allow my
daughter to decide when she is recharged and ready to leave my embrace. This
means that when she wakes up, instead of carting her to the changing table and
setting her down to change her diaper, something that would typically begin the
first tantrum of the day, I head right to the rocking chair where we chat,
sing, and rock until she wiggles free from my arms and onto the floor. It also
means when I am washing dishes or making dinner and she is wailing and clinging
to my legs, instead of dragging her around the kitchen like a sailor with a
peg-leg, I stop and take five minutes and sit to snuggle with her.
doesn't just mean making my lap available, it means holding her tightly. She needs the reassurance and security that
comes from a snug fit in my arms. Nine times out of ten she will soon decide to
get up and go find something else to do, leaving me to finish making dinner.
She is full and affirmed, and I am calm and not exasperated.
now take time to "snuggle" almost every hour of the day... when
putting shoes and socks on, when getting into her chair for lunch, when getting
ready to leave the house for errands. I also take an extra minute or two to
massage her legs after most diaper changes, using slow, deliberate movements,
calming her always racing heart and
steadying her gaze. She loves it and responds with smiles and giggles rather
then the all-to-familiar writhing around that used to define diaper changes.
seems tedious and time-consuming to build "snuggle time" into your
day, but it has proven to save us both time and emotions in the long run. Our
days go more smoothly and are filled with more love and contentment when we
take time to touch.
note: My daughters need for physical contact lead me to discover that she is a
very sensory-oriented child. What I thought was just habitual messy eating was
actually her taking hold of an opportunity to feel and manipulate different
textures and compositions. All of the toys in our home were very hard: books,
puzzles, wooden fruit, trucks, etc. what the girl really needed was some
playdough! She loves the sensory
experience of playing with something soft and moldable, and I love that she is satisfied for 30-minute stretches while
I get laundry folded!
Smooth Transitions: Preparing Them For Change
son is a classic introvert, not shy, but comfortable alone. He needs space and
time to process change, whether it is simply getting dressed for the day or
preparing to go to the store or to a friend’s house. In recent months I have
often found myself rushing around, in a hurry to get to wherever we needed to
go. I spent days frustrated and disgruntled with my seemingly uncooperative
son. He dawdled when he needed to hustle, and got angry when I announced
exciting plans for the day. I was befuddled until I realized the error of our
days. He needed ample time to prepare himself for what was next. Even exciting
plans or routine tasks were overwhelming to him when he was not prepared.
started building alone time into his days and informing him the day before and
then again hours before if we were going to be doing something that was outside
of our normal routine. I also fought the urge to hurry him and traded the
frantic ten minutes that used to lead up to our departure for a more peaceful
twenty minutes, using gentle reminders and directions instead. Sure, we
sometimes showed up 5 minutes late to our destination, but we were all happy to
be there when we arrived!
Telling vs. Tugging: Using Words to Shape Behavior
as physical as our daughter is at times, she is just as independent and
hands-off when she wants to be. The mere weight of my index finger in her belt
loop holding her steady when she insists on standing in her highchair can set
her off screeching in anger. If she wants to do something herself, she is
hell-bent on completing her task, mama look out.
felt paralyzed to know how to handle these fits of rage that would often come
at the least convenient times, i.e. standing in the cart while grocery
shopping, climbing on the railing while out to eat, riding on top of her stroller while walking downtown. I would try picking
her up, pushing her back into her seat, letting her walk, and disciplining her,
none of which satisfied her desire to control her own actions.
realized that my responses to her were reactive,
not proactive. Here's what I mean: Her fury only increased when I countered the
very thing she wanted to accomplish, and she resented my guiding hands. In those moments, me touching her was like kerosene
on a candle. What I finally found to work is reasoning with her and asking
her to do what I requested, novel idea right?
we get so caught up in the stress of the moment, we don't think to explain
ourselves to a pint-size person who probably wouldn't understand how inappropriately
they were acting anyway, right? Wrong. So many times I was just as hell-bent as
she was in stopping the behavior,
that I didn't take the time to explain consequences to her and give firm
commands without lifting a finger. The
difference this has made is remarkable. I will say "please sit back down
in your highchair" four thousand times if it means that we can avoid
engaging in a physical and emotional war that leaves us both exhausted.
a disclaimer: I am not suggesting removing all discipline and consequences when
your child acts out or acts unbecomingly, I have just found that if I remove my
emotional reaction from the equation and verbalize my thoughts, I help us both
to move away from an inflammatory interaction, instead of heightening the
Giving Time: Expecting Obedience "When You Are Ready"
is a little controversial, I'll just be honest. I grew up with the
understanding that obedience to your parents should be immediate, complete, and
without questions. I still ascribe to this reasoning primarily. That being
said, I am sharing what works in our household, and I am just going to be
I ask my son to do something and he is non-compliant I react in one of two
ways. If the non-compliance is defiance, rebellion, or challenging to my
authority I move forward with disciplinary measures. If the non-compliance is
because he is genuinely distracted or completing a task that is important in
his mind, and not harmful in mine, I allow him to finish and tell him that my
request is still standing and needs to be completed "when you are
do this not because I want to teach delayed obedience or disobedience, but
because there are such varying degrees of offenses a child can commit that I
really want to major on the majors and minor on the minors. I want him to learn
the life skills of managing his time well, thinking through upcoming tasks, and
how to reason with others. If I do not engage in this dialogue with him or give
time and grace for his mind to process, I am not allowing room for these skills
to develop.
is actually amazing to see how quickly he responds to my requests when I give
him the space he needs to choose the
right thing. (This is directly correlated to the smooth transitions I wrote
about above)
Prayer: With Them and For Them
is really the key to it all, a vital source of wisdom and discernment in our
all is going well in your home: pray, when all is failing: pray.
things happen when I pray with my
children for our day. The first and most important is that we invite God into our day, we invoke His
presence, we ask Him to go before us. We ask for His joy, His help, His
self-control, and His love to define us as we interact with one another. He really does intervene and fill our home
when we ask Him. He gives patience and grace to me and gives kindness and joy
to the kids.
second thing that happens when we pray together, is that they hear what I am praying for and believe
it to be possible. They hear me pray for good things, for the fruit of the
spirit, and they want those things to
be true. Our prayers are quiet expectations whispered to their souls, setting
the tone and the bar for how we interact. They see the fervency and faith with
which I pray and it bolsters their confidence in who God is and how much He
cares about us. These are things I desperately want them to discover, and what
better way than by praying together!
course the other important key is to pray for
them. Not just out loud when they are listening, but in all the millions of
moments in between. When rocking them, changing them, brushing their teeth,
making breakfast, and filling the tub... I pray and He works.
are just a few ideas of what has worked in our family... things that wave made
the climate of our home warmer, more grace-filled, more peaceful. Whether they
will work for others in exactly the same way, I cannot be certain, but my
prayer is that the outcome will be the same... families that aren't just surviving toddlerhood, but instead, thriving in the midst of it!
have seen a change in both my heart and my children’s temperaments as I deal
more graciously with them, not ignoring the need for discipline, but balancing
it with an understanding of who they are as individuals and the capacity that
they have to learn and grow in different ways.
to you all as you raise your children, friends… may God grant you the grace and
wisdom needed to navigate this most challenging task!
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